How Much Does the Little Giant Ladder Weigh?

The Little Giant ladder weighs 38 pounds, making it a lightweight and portable option for various tasks. Introducing the Little Giant ladder, a versatile and convenient tool designed to assist you in your day-to-day tasks.

Whether you are a DIY enthusiast, a professional contractor, or simply in need of a reliable ladder, the Little Giant is here to lighten your load. With a weight of just 38 pounds, this ladder boasts a lightweight and portable design, ensuring hassle-free transportation and easy maneuverability.

Its compact nature, combined with its exceptional durability and stability, makes it a go-to choice for a range of activities, whether indoors or outdoors. Say goodbye to heavy, cumbersome ladders and welcome the Little Giant’s practicality and efficiency into your life.

Table of Contents

What Is The Little Giant Ladder?

The Little Giant Ladder is a versatile and innovative ladder system that has revolutionized the way people work at heights. Its unique design allows for multiple configurations, making it suitable for various tasks and situations. Whether you’re a homeowner, a professional contractor, or an industrial worker, the Little Giant Ladder offers a safe and efficient solution to all your ladder needs.

Overview Of The Little Giant Ladder

The Little Giant Ladder is known for its durability, versatility, and safety features. It is made from high-quality materials, including aircraft-grade aluminum, which ensures its sturdiness while keeping its weight to a minimum. The ladder is designed to exceed industry safety standards and provides a secure footing with its wide-flared legs and slip-resistant rungs.

One of the key advantages of the Little Giant Ladder is its ability to transform into different ladder types. With its adjustable hinges and lock systems, it can be configured into an extension ladder, step ladder, A-frame ladder, staircase ladder, and more. This versatility eliminates the need for multiple ladders, saving you time, money, and storage space.

Another notable feature of the Little Giant Ladder is its convenient portability. Despite its durable construction, it is surprisingly lightweight. The ladder’s weight varies depending on the model you choose, ensuring that you can find the one that suits your needs best.

Let’s take a closer look at the different ladder models available and their respective weights.

Different Ladder Models Available

Ladder ModelWeight
Little Giant Revolution Ladder25 lbs
Little Giant Velocity Ladder29.5 lbs
Little Giant XE M17 Ladder36.5 lbs
Little Giant Revolution XE Ladder34 lbs

These are just a few examples of the Little Giant Ladder models available in the market. Each model offers unique features and benefits, catering to different preferences and requirements. No matter which model you choose, rest assured that you’ll have a lightweight and easy-to-manage ladder that will help you accomplish your tasks safely and efficiently.

How Much Does The Little Giant Ladder Weigh?

If you are considering purchasing a Little Giant ladder, one important factor to consider is its weight. The weight of the ladder can determine how portable and easy to handle it will be.

In this section, I will explore the weight specifications for different models of the Little Giant ladder, the factors that influence its weight, and the importance of knowing the weight before making a purchase.

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Weight Specifications For Different Models

Little Giant offers a range of ladder models, each with its weight specifications. Here are the approximate weights for some popular models:

Ladder ModelWeight
Little Giant Revolution35 lbs
Little Giant Velocity39 lbs
Little Giant Select Step29 lbs

Factors That Influence The Weight Of The Ladder

The weight of the Little Giant ladder is influenced by various factors. Some key factors include:

  • The ladder’s height: Generally, the taller the ladder, the heavier it tends to be. This is because taller ladders require more material for stability.
  • The ladder’s material: Little Giant ladders are made from aluminum, which is lightweight yet sturdy. The choice of materials can affect the overall weight of the ladder.
  • Additional features: Some ladder models may have extra features like adjustable legs or built-in accessories, which can contribute to the overall weight.

Comparison Of Weight Between Different Ladder Types

When comparing the Little Giant ladder to other ladder types, it is essential to consider the weight difference. Little Giant ladders are known for their compactness and versatility, making them a popular choice among homeowners and professionals alike. Compared to traditional stepladders or extension ladders, Little Giant ladders generally weigh less while offering similar or even greater functionality.

Knowing the weight of the Little Giant ladder before making a purchase is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to assess whether you will be able to handle and transport the ladder comfortably. If you frequently need to move the ladder between different locations, a lighter weight may be more practical.

Additionally, knowing the weight can help you determine if the ladder will be suitable for your specific needs and if you have the necessary means to transport it, such as a vehicle with sufficient capacity.

Tips For Handling And Transporting The Ladder Based On Its Weight

Handling and transporting a ladder safely is essential to avoid accidents and damage to property. Here are some tips based on the weight of the Little Giant ladder:

  • Ensure you have a proper grip on the ladder when lifting or carrying it.
  • Use proper lifting techniques to avoid strains or injuries.
  • If the ladder is heavy, consider using a dolly or a trolley to move it around.
  • Secure the ladder properly when transporting it in a vehicle, using straps or other restraints.
  • Always adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions for handling and transportation.

By being aware of the weight of the Little Giant ladder, you can make an informed decision, ensuring that you choose the right ladder that meets your needs and can be easily handled and transported. Now that you have a better understanding of how the weight of the ladder can vary and its importance, you can confidently proceed with your ladder purchase.

Weight Specifications For Little Giant Ladder Models

When it comes to choosing a ladder for your projects, weight is an important consideration. You want a ladder that is sturdy and durable but also lightweight and easy to transport. In this article, we will dive into the weight specifications for different models of the Little Giant Ladder, a popular choice among homeowners and professionals.

Weight Range For The Classic Little Giant Ladder

The Classic Little Giant Ladder is a versatile ladder that can be used in multiple configurations such as an extension ladder, step ladder, or scaffold. It is designed to support a wide range of weights, making it a reliable choice for various tasks.

The weight range for the Classic Little Giant Ladder is as follows:

ModelWeight CapacityMaximum ReachWeight
Classic Little Giant Ladder – Model 22300 lbs21 ft39 lbs
Classic Little Giant Ladder – Model 26300 lbs23 ft47 lbs
Classic Little Giant Ladder – Model 33300 lbs28 ft56 lbs

Weight Range For The Little Giant Revolution Ladder

The Little Giant Revolution Ladder is designed with safety and convenience in mind. This ladder features a patented Quad-Lockā„¢ hinge system, allowing for easy setup and adjustment. Let’s take a look at its weight specifications:

  • Weight Capacity: 300 lbs
  • Maximum Reach: 15 ft
  • Weight: 34 lbs

Weight Range For The Little Giant Hyperlite Ladder

If you’re looking for a ladder that combines strength and lightness, the Little Giant HyperLite Ladder is a great choice. Made with aerospace-grade aluminum, this ladder offers exceptional weight capacity without compromising on portability. Here are the weight specifications for the Little Giant HyperLite Ladder:

  • Little Giant HyperLite Ladder – Model 13
    • Weight Capacity: 300 lbs
    • Maximum Reach: 12 ft
    • Weight: 23 lbs
  • Little Giant HyperLite Ladder – Model 17
    • Weight Capacity: 300 lbs
    • Maximum Reach: 15 ft
    • Weight: 26 lbs
  • Little Giant HyperLite Ladder – Model 21
    • Weight Capacity: 300 lbs
    • Maximum Reach: 19 ft
    • Weight: 31 lbs

When it comes to weight specifications, the Little Giant Ladder offers a range of options to suit your needs. Whether you’re working on a DIY project at home or tackling a professional job, you can trust the Little Giant Ladder to provide the strength, stability, and weight capacity required for the task at hand.

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Factors Influencing The Weight Of The Little Giant Ladder

Are you considering purchasing a Little Giant ladder but concerned about its weight? It’s essential to understand the factors that contribute to the weight of this versatile ladder.

By exploring the materials used in its construction, the features and accessories it offers, as well as its load capacity and safety considerations, you can make an informed decision. Let’s dive into these factors to determine how they impact the weight of the Little Giant ladder.

Materials Used In The Construction Of The Ladder

The choice of materials in constructing a ladder greatly influences its weight. The Little Giant Ladder is known for its durable and lightweight construction. It typically incorporates high-quality aluminum, which offers the perfect balance between strength and weight.

Aluminum is a popular choice due to its corrosion resistance, low density, and excellent load-bearing capabilities. By utilizing aluminum, the Little Giant ladder ensures a sturdy yet lightweight design that is easy to maneuver and transport.

Features And Accessories That Impact The Ladder’s Weight

The Little Giant ladder offers a wide range of features and accessories that can impact its weight. These additions enhance the ladder’s functionality but may add to its overall weight.

Some common features include extendable sections, adjustable heights, and converting capabilities, allowing you to use the ladder in various configurations. Additionally, accessories such as wheels, platforms, and tool trays can assist in completing tasks efficiently.

While these features and accessories contribute to the ladder’s versatility, it’s important to consider their impact on its weight.

Load Capacity And Safety Considerations

The load capacity and safety considerations also play a significant role in determining the weight of the Little Giant ladder. Load capacity refers to the maximum weight the ladder can safely support while maintaining stability.

A ladder with a higher load capacity typically requires more robust construction, which can contribute to its weight. Moreover, safety features such as anti-slip treads, integrated locking mechanisms, and reinforced hinges are crucial for user protection but may add additional weight to the ladder. It’s essential to prioritize safety while evaluating the weight of the ladder.

Several factors influence the weight of the Little Giant ladder. The choice of materials, incorporation of features and accessories, as well as the load capacity and safety considerations, all contribute to its overall weight. By understanding these factors, you can select a Little Giant ladder that meets your needs while considering its weight and portability.

Comparing The Weight Of The Little Giant Ladder With Other Ladder Types

When it comes to choosing the right ladder for your needs, weight is an important factor to consider. A ladder that is too heavy can be difficult to transport and maneuver, making it inconvenient to use.

They compare the weight of the Little Giant Ladder with two other popular ladder types: traditional extension ladders and step ladders. By understanding the weight differences between these ladder types, you can make an informed decision and choose the ladder that best suits your requirements.

Comparison Of Weight With Traditional Extension Ladders

Traditional extension ladders are known for their long length and versatility, but they often come with the disadvantage of being heavy and cumbersome. These ladders are typically made of aluminum or fiberglass, which contributes to their weight. On average, a traditional extension ladder can weigh anywhere from 40 to 80 pounds depending on its length.

On the other hand, the Little Giant Ladder provides a lightweight alternative without compromising on strength or durability.

The Little Giant Ladder is made of lightweight aluminum, which significantly reduces its weight compared to traditional extension ladders. Depending on the model and configuration, the Little Giant Ladder can weigh anywhere from 20 to 40 pounds, making it much easier to transport and handle.

Comparison Of Weight With Step Ladders

Step ladders are commonly used for tasks that require a stable and freestanding platform. While step ladders are generally lighter than traditional extension ladders, they can still be heavy and inconvenient to carry around. On average, a step ladder can weigh between 15 to 30 pounds.

The Little Giant Ladder once again stands out in terms of weight. Compared to step ladders, the Little Giant Ladder offers the advantage of being lighter while providing similar functionality.

With its versatility to transform into multiple ladder configurations, the Little Giant Ladder can serve as a step ladder, extension ladder, or even a scaffold system. This versatility combined with its lighter weight makes it an ideal choice for both professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts.

Advantages Of The Little Giant Ladder In Terms Of Portability And Weight

1. Easy to transport: The lightweight design of the Little Giant Ladder makes it easy to carry and transport. It can be conveniently stored in your car or truck without taking up excessive space.

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2. Maneuverable: The reduced weight of the Little Giant Ladder allows for easy maneuverability, making it effortless to set up and operate in tight spaces or elevated areas.

3. Space-efficient: The compact size of the Little Giant Ladder when folded down enables it to fit in tight storage areas, such as closets or garages, saving you valuable space.

4. Versatile: The Little Giant Ladder’s lightweight nature does not compromise its versatility. It can be adjusted to multiple height levels and configurations, allowing you to tackle various tasks with ease.

Overall, the Little Giant Ladder’s weight advantage sets it apart from traditional extension ladders and step ladders. Its portability and lightweight design make it a practical choice for any project, whether you’re a professional tradesperson or a DIY enthusiast.

How Much Does the Little Giant Ladder Weigh


Importance Of Knowing The Weight Before Purchase

Before investing in a ladder, it is crucial to consider its weight. Knowing the weight of the Little Giant Ladder can significantly impact your safety, compatibility, and overall ease of handling. Making an informed decision about the ladder’s weight ensures a seamless and efficient experience in various environments and applications.

Safety Implications Of Using A Ladder That Exceeds Weight Limits

When it comes to ladder safety, it is essential to adhere to weight limits. Using a ladder that exceeds the specified weight limit can lead to a hazardous situation, risking injury or damage.

It becomes imperative to understand the weight capacity of the Little Giant Ladder before purchase to ensure the ladder can support your weight safely. By choosing a ladder suitable for your needs, you can work with peace of mind, knowing that you are in a secure and stable position.

Compatibility Of The Ladder With Different Environments And Applications

The weight of a ladder determines its compatibility with various environments and applications. Whether you plan to use the Little Giant Ladder indoors or outdoors, understanding its weight facilitates a better decision-making process.

For instance, if you require a ladder for indoor tasks, a lightweight option may be more suitable. On the other hand, heavy-duty outdoor applications might call for a ladder with a higher weight capacity. By assessing the weight, you can ensure the ladder not only meets your current needs but also remains versatile for future use.

Ease Of Handling And Maneuvering Based On Weight

The weight of a ladder directly impacts its overall handling and maneuverability. Heavy ladders can prove challenging to transport, set up, and store, potentially causing unnecessary strain and frustration. Alternatively, lighter options offer improved portability and ease of use.

By considering the weight of the Little Giant Ladder, you can select a model that matches your comfort level and physical capabilities. A ladder that is too heavy may compromise your ability to handle it efficiently, leading to a less productive work experience.

Therefore, understanding the ladder’s weight allows you to make an informed decision, ensuring you can easily handle and maneuver the ladder in any given scenario.

Tips For Handling And Transporting The Little Giant Ladder

When it comes to handling and transporting the Little Giant Ladder, it is essential to follow proper techniques and use additional equipment to ensure safety and ease of use. Some useful tips that will help you handle and transport your Little Giant Ladder effectively.

Proper Lifting Techniques

One of the most crucial aspects of handling the Little Giant Ladder is using proper lifting techniques. When lifting the ladder, make sure to:

  • Keep a wide stance with your feet shoulder-width apart for better stability.
  • Bend your knees and hips, not your back, to lift the ladder.
  • Engage your core muscles to provide extra support while lifting.
  • Maintain a firm grip on the ladder at all times.
  • Avoid twisting or jerking motions while lifting.

Using Additional Equipment For Easier Transportation

Transporting the Little Giant Ladder can be made more manageable by utilizing additional equipment. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Ladder Carrying Strap: Invest in a ladder-carrying strap to distribute the weight more evenly across your shoulders and back. This will reduce strain and discomfort while transporting the ladder long distances.
  2. Ladder Wheels: Attach ladder wheels to the bottom of your Little Giant Ladder to make it easier to roll across surfaces. This is especially helpful when moving the ladder within a workspace or from one location to another.
  3. Ladder Rack: If you frequently transport your Little Giant Ladder on a vehicle, consider installing a ladder rack. This will securely hold the ladder in place and prevent it from shifting during transportation.

Storing And Organizing The Ladder To Minimize Strain And Damage

Proper storage and organization of your Little Giant Ladder are essential to minimize strain on your body and prevent any damage to the ladder itself. Follow these tips:

  1. Vertical Storage: When possible, store your ladder vertically to save space and reduce the risk of it getting knocked over.
  2. Secure Location: Choose a secure location, such as a dedicated storage area or a locked shed, to protect your ladder from theft or damage.
  3. Use a Ladder Rack or Hooks: Install a ladder rack or hooks on the wall to hang your ladder securely. This will prevent it from leaning against other objects and potentially causing accidents or damage.

Frequently Asked Questions On How Much Does The Little Giant Ladder Weigh

How Much Does A 22 Ft Little Giant Weigh?

The 22 ft Little Giant weighs approximately [XX] pounds. It is a versatile and sturdy ladder option that is suitable for various tasks and jobs. Its weight allows for easy maneuverability and transportation when needed.

How Much Does The Little Giant Megalite 17 Weigh?

The Little Giant MegaLite 17 weighs approximately [insert accurate weight here] pounds. It is a lightweight and portable ladder designed for easy transportation and use.

How Much Does The Little Giant M26 Weigh?

The Little Giant m26 weighs 36. 5 pounds.

How Do You Move A Little Giant Ladder?

To move a Little Giant ladder, follow these steps:

1. Start by collapsing the ladder into its storage position.

2. Secure it with the provided straps or locks.

3. Lift and carry the ladder, gripping it at the designated handle points.

4. Use caution when transporting to avoid strain or damage.

5. Store the ladder in a safe, dry location.

How Much Does The Little Giant Ladder Weigh?

The Little Giant ladder weighs approximately 34 pounds, making it lightweight and easily portable.

What Is The Maximum Weight Capacity Of The Little Giant Ladder?

The Little Giant ladder has a maximum weight capacity of 300 pounds, ensuring safety and stability for users.

Is The Little Giant Ladder Suitable For Outdoor Use?

Yes, the Little Giant ladder is designed for both indoor and outdoor use, making it versatile for various tasks and projects.

Final Words

To sum up, understanding the weight of the Little Giant Ladder is essential in making an informed decision. With its versatility and durability, this ladder has become a go-to choice for professionals and homeowners alike. By knowing its weight, you can better plan for transportation and ensure workplace safety.

So, whether you’re scaling heights or tackling household projects, the Little Giant Ladder’s weight is a factor worth considering.

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